The Africa Report: Free Bazoum campaign lands on Trump’s doorstep
Bruce Fryer Bruce Fryer

The Africa Report: Free Bazoum campaign lands on Trump’s doorstep

More than 1,000 people from some 70 countries have signed a petition demanding his release from house arrest since its launch on Monday, 20 January. A half-dozen current and former heads of state and government from Africa and beyond have written their own letters. And a lobbyist from the United States is working to bring Bazoum’s family to Washington soon for meetings with the Donald Trump White House, the State Department, Congress and think-tanks.

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VOA News: Former Niger official continues calls for the release of ousted President Bazoum by the country's junta
Bruce Fryer Bruce Fryer

VOA News: Former Niger official continues calls for the release of ousted President Bazoum by the country's junta

Kiari Liman-Tinguiri, Niger’s former ambassador to the United States, is among several notable international personalities who are continuing the calls on the West African nation’s governing junta to release ousted President Mohamed Bazoum who has spent over 514 days in detention at the presidential palace. For more, Liman-Tinguiri visited VOA where he sat down with reporter Peter Clottey.

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WSJ: Niger Needs America’s Help
Bruce Fryer Bruce Fryer

WSJ: Niger Needs America’s Help

Nearly three weeks ago, Gen. Abdourahamane Tiani betrayed Niger’s President Mohamed Bazoum and attempted to seize power in the West African country of 25 million. The coup leaders are now trying to starve Mr. Bazoum to death while holding him hostage. The world faces a critical choice: help Niger restore its democracy, or deal with the consequences of it becoming an autocratic failed state. The decisions made at this grave hour will affect global security for generations to come.

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Le Figaro: Mohamed Bazoum, président otage et oublié
Bruce Fryer Bruce Fryer

Le Figaro: Mohamed Bazoum, président otage et oublié

Renversé par la junte il y a neuf mois, le chef de l’État nigérien élu est retenu prisonnier avec son épouse dans deux pièces de la résidence présidentielle. Ses proches redoutent que la communauté internationale les abandonne à leur sort.

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The Washington Post: My country is under attack and I’ve been taken hostage
Bruce Fryer Bruce Fryer

The Washington Post: My country is under attack and I’ve been taken hostage

I write this as a hostage. Niger is under attack from a military junta that is trying to overthrow our democracy, and I am just one of hundreds of citizens who have been arbitrarily and illegally imprisoned. This coup, launched against my government by a faction in the military on July 26, has no justification whatsoever. If it succeeds, it will have devastating consequences for our country, our region and the entire world.

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ACSS: Attempted Coup in Niger: Backgrounder
Bruce Fryer Bruce Fryer

ACSS: Attempted Coup in Niger: Backgrounder

Members of Niger’s presidential guard detained democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum on July 26, declaring that they have seized control of the government and suspended the constitution of this country of 25 million people.

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